End of Year Giving Projects

As we approach the end of 2024, you may wish to give something over and above your regular tithe and mission giving. Church of the Savior leaders have chosen four End-of-Year Giving Projects to present to the COS Family. To give to any of these projects, please make the appropriate indication on the memo line of your check or the outside of a giving envelope.



Smartphones can be a great ministry tool, especially when they are loaded with audio Bibles, The Jesus Film, illustrated Bible stories, training materials, and other discipleship tools. These digital resources make the Good News available in many languages, plus it is easy and free to share phone to phone. Church planters are specifically trained to use these resources to share the Gospel, lead Bible studies, show clips of The Jesus Film, and train others to do the same.

$220 provides a cell phone, case, screen protector, solar charger, and a micro SD card loaded with digital Bible Resources.

Our goal is to fund 50 cell phones.
Total = $11,000


AIMS.ORG is committed to bringing the Gospel to every Unreached People Group (UPG) in the world. They train and deploy indigenous missionaries to preach the Gospel and plant churches among UPGs in their home countries. Not only is this more cost effective than traditional missions models, but native workers have fewer
cultural barriers to overcome in order to reach UPGs with the Good News. Plus they are supported by regional offices staffed by local leaders.

$1200 will support one Native Missionary a year.

Our goal is to support 7 native missionaries for a year.
total = $8,400

Learn More

AIMS empowers Native Missionaries to be financially sustained by helping them launch holistic projects that meet the needs of targeted Unreached People Groups and provide funding for long-term mission movements without outside assistance.
Here are the TWO holistic projects we hope to fund:

Vegetable Farm in Asia
This project will expand a farm that supports two Native Missionaries. It will provide the community with fresh, nutritious vegetables, while creating more opportunities to engage with a UPG and share the Good News.

Sewing Center in Asia
This project will equip a Native Missionary to open a sewing facility with multiple machines and space for local women to work together, meeting clothing needs for their families and community. It will enable the Missionary to build deeper relationships and create opportunities to share the Gospel.

Our goal is to fund both of these projects.
total = $8,300

Learn more 

COS is passionate about empowering our people to serve in missions both locally and globally. We believe that participating in short-term mission trips transforms lives, giving individuals a broader perspective on discipleship and positively impacting our church and communities here in Kentucky.

Each year, we offer multiple opportunities to engage in global short-term missions. However, the financial cost can be a challenge, with the average trip in 2025 costing $3,500 per person. This project will help fund 2025 COS Missions Trips.

Our goal is to help as many people as we can go on a short-term mission trip.

Learn more on Mission Trip Page






Bible Resources on Cell Phones
One Mission Society (OMS)

Smartphones are becoming more and more common in Africa today. But the cost is still prohibitive for many church planters. $220 will provide a cell phone, case, screen protector, solar charger, and Micro SD card loaded with digital Bible resources for a church planter multiplying congregations in Africa.

What is a Micro SD card?

  • A Micro SD card is a digital memory card about the size of your fingernail.
  • Micro SD cards loaded with digital bible resources can be inserted into most Android devices. Android phones have more than a 90% market share in African villages.

What are some examples of digital Bible resources?

  • The most translated film in the world, the JESUS film, which is the Gospel of Luke in video format.
  • Bible apps that work off-line
  • Illustrated bible stories.
  • Disciple making tools

What makes digital Bible resources on a smartphone so important for church planting and disciple making in Africa?

  • They make the Bible available in people’s heart language, not just international languages like English, French or Swahili. Glenn Cravens has created a digital library of Bible resources in over 220 African languages.
  • They make the Bible easy and cost free to share phone to phone, no purchase cost for the Bible, no internet connection fee.
  • They make JESUS film clips easy to share with friends on WhatsApp and other social media.
  • They allow oral learners to access God’s word, even if they cannot read.
  • They are an attractive tool for sharing Gospel content and promoting discussions in Discovery Bible Studies.

How do OMS-related church planters use smartphones and digital Bible resources?

Once trained and experienced, they train others to:

  • Lead a simple three-part disciple making Bible study playing a two to 4 minute JESUS film clip for 3 or 4 friends.
  • Help people know Jesus and trust him as their Lord and Savior.
  • Share digital Bible resources using the Xender app.
  • Train others to start groups that can become cell groups or churches.

What is the impact?

Hundreds are coming to Christ! Dozens of cell groups and churches are being started as this tool is used.

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Sponsor native missionaries

AIMS.ORG deploys near-culture missionaries to preach the gospel and plant churches among the Unreached People Groups in their own nations at a fraction of the cost of traditional missions models. They have deployed 1500+ missionaries in more than 41 countries.

Watch this video to hear the story behind sending Native Missionaries.


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AIMS Holistic Projects

An AMIS holistic project...

GRANTS ACCESS to Unreached People Groups by meeting their practical needs.

PROVIDES FUNDING for Native Missionaries

SUSTAINS LONG-TERM missions movements among Unreached People Groups without outside financial assistance

Watch this video to learn more about Holistic Projects.


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