Family Ministries
Wednesday nights are special for our COS Family Ministries! We have opportunities for kids of all ages that coincide with COS Groups for adults. We want the whole family to be on campus!
If your kids did not attend this past fall, please register your kids for their Wednesday night group using the link below. It is very important that you register in advance so we can be prepared to provide a great experience for you and your kids.
2025 SPRING Semester Schedule
February 5: Wednesday Groups Begin
April 9: NO Wednesday Groups - Spring Break
April 30: Wednesday Groups End
Group Descriptions
Redeemed equip the youth
Redeemed ETY is for students in grades 6 - 12. God has a huge plan for raising up this next generation of saints. We want to come alongside our youth and give practical biblical tools to walking out the Christian life, through a place of identity in Christ, accountability, and a loving community amongst friends. Wednesday nights are where we can do more practical activations and build community together. On these nights there will be an emphasis on bible reading, discussion, identity, and prayer. Also, you can come expecting a time of games, practical Christian learning, and sometimes snacks!
Royal Rangers
The Royal Rangers program is an activity-based, small group church ministry for boys and young men in grades K - 12. Our mission is to evangelize, equip and empower the next generation of Christ-like men and lifelong servant leaders. We provide Christ-like character formation and servant leadership development in a highly relational and fun environment.
Trailblazer Girls
Trailblazers for girls in grades 6 - 8 is part of Pioneer Club Ministries. Our goals are to help girls connect with each other, connect with God through Bible study, and be exposed to life skills. If you are a middle school girl and you want to make lasting friendships, learn about God, and learn some new skills, this group is for you. Trailblazers meets until 8:00 PM on Wednesdays.
Pathfinder Girls
Pathfinder Girls is part of Pioneer Club Ministries. The club assists girls in 3th - 5th grades in developing positive attitudes towards God, themselves and others. The club offers opportunities to develop a variety of skills and abilities. The club helps girls to experience achievement and grow physically, mentally, socially, emotionally, and spiritually.
COS Kids Discipleship
Small group foundational Bible teaching through activities, songs, and games. Join us for a great time for students to build relationships with one another!
COS Kids Childcare
Childcare for kids birth through preschool is offered on Wednesday evenings while parents attend a COS Group.
The mission of MomCo (formerly MOPS) is to encourage and equip moms of young children to realize their potential as mothers, women and leaders, in relationship with Jesus, and in partnership with the local church.
Our MomCo group meets 9:00 - 11:15 AM once a month on the second Thursday from September to May. Plus we have occasional playdates and mom nights. The cost for the year is $30 per mom.