Men's Ministry
Church of the Savior’s Men’s Ministry, known as the “Mountain Movers”, is a team of men passionate to reach other men with the lifesaving message of Jesus Christ. We chose the name Mountain Movers based upon Matthew 17:20, “If you have the faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, move from here to there and it will move, nothing will be impossible for you.” We believe men should be real and have faith in a mighty God who can move mountains and change men’s hearts.
We also believe God intended for men to live their life in a manner that exhibits integrity, courage, and to have a strong desire to become leaders. The ministry focuses upon building relationships between the men and their God, men and their families, and with other men. We do this through organized events, spiritual retreats, bible studies, focused teaching classes for men, mentoring opportunities and by serving others.
Upcoming events
Men's Prayer Breakfast - Speaker: Jeff Sheppard (click for more info)
Saturday March 1 | 8:00-10:00am | Room 1009-1011
Spring Road Trip to Columbus Georgia and Fort Moore (US Army Infantry Museum)
June 2 - 6, 2025 | More info to come or contact Joe Blackburn or Chris Haas for details
Men's Groups
The Book of Romans
Wednesdays | 6:30 PM | Room 1011
Led by Steve Gehring
Our Wednesday night men's group will be studying the book of Romans. All men are invited to join us as we dive into this letter that many consider to be the most important of all the New Testament letters.
Band of Brothers
Wednesdays | 8:00 PM | Room 1011
Led by Steve Pearson
This is a men's Bible study of II Samuel. The passage is read and then discussed, with applications made to help men live more confidently for JESUS. Good friendships are found here.
Men's Softball Team
Congratulations to our COS Softball Team on winning
the 2023 Clays Mill Baptist Softball Tournament!