Unceasing Prayer
COS is part of a city-wide effort to cover Lexington with UNCEASING PRAYER - 24 hours/day, 7 days/week, 365 days/year. We are one of over 20 churches committed to praying for 24 hours a month. COS prays the first Friday of each month beginning at 12:00 noon. You are invited to join us! Each of the 24 one-hour slots has an Unceasing Prayer (UP) Group with a team captain to facilitate prayer and communicate with those committing to pray during their hour.
To join an UP Group, please click on the group of your choice below and follow the instructions. We will have security measures in place throughout our time of Unceasing Prayer. Your group captain will send you instructions for entering the building. If you prefer to pray at home, please choose the hour you plan to pray and register for that UP Group. There is an option on the form to indicate you plan to pray from home.
If you have any questions, please contact Pastor David Fultz ( ).