Global Partner Connect

Global Partner Connect

Sunday, July 14, 2024, 12:45 PM - 2:00 PM

The MPG (Mission Plan Group) is hosting a connection event with some of our Global Partners.

Hal Hamilton will share about the ministry of Cornerstone International, which believes that healthy missionaries = healthy missions = changed nations. At Cornerstone International (CI), the missionaries themselves are the mission. CI believes that healthy missions are born at the intersection of prayer, worship, and intentional care.

J & E have been serving among unreached people in western Asia for 17 years. They are empty-nesters, team leaders, local business owners, and athletes. They long to see the Kingdom come to their friends and neighbors and are preparing the soil with prayer, wide sowing, and lots and lots of cups of tea.

This event is FREE and a light lunch is provided, so please register using the link below by July 10.


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