Women's Wellness Conference

Women's Wellness Conference

Saturday, March 08, 2025, 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM

All women are invited to a wellness conference with Vicki Heath of First Place for Health. We will start the day with an early bird workout followed by a light breakfast and check-in at 8:30 AM. We will have four practical sessions, plus a healthy, yummy lunch. Sessions include:

  • Top Ten Ways to Live Long and Strong
    Research shows those who live consistently with these 10 principles live the longest, most fulfilling lives
  • Why Pray When You Can Eat?
    Food: moving from fear to freedom
  • Strong is the New Skinny
    Building strength inside and out: Basic principles of developing a strong CORE, both physically and spiritually
  • Becoming a Winner Not a Quitter
    Overcoming the 4 fitness killers and developing a lifetime of wellness in all four areas: body, soul, mind, and spirit

This will be a wonderful opportunity for all women and teenage girls. Invite your friends! Register using the link below by March 2!


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